Corporate Governance

Indivior’s purpose, to bring science-based, life transforming treatment to patients, is underpinned by high standards of governance and compliance. Our commitment to acting responsibly to build the long-term success of the Group and ultimately create value for all shareholders is at the center of our decision-making and is an integral consideration in Board and Committee discussions.

Compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code


The 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, published by the Financial Reporting Council (the “Code”), sets out the standards of good practice in relation to: board leadership and company purpose; division of responsibilities; composition, succession and evaluation; audit, risk and internal control; and remuneration. The Group has a comprehensive range of policies and procedures in place to ensure that it is well managed, with effective oversight and controls.


Further Details about Indivior’s compliance with the Code can be found here.



The Board

The Board has a schedule of matters specifically reserved for its decision-making and approval. The key areas reserved to the Board include:

The matters reserved for approval by the Board are regularly reviewed by the Board.

The Board has delegated responsibility for the day-to-day management of the business to the Chief Executive Officer.

Board Composition

Details of the Board’s composition and the biographical details of each of the Directors can be found here. The Directors have a valuable combination of skills and business, scientific, pharmaceutical and disease experience which continue to be relevant to Indivior.


Board Committees

The Board has established five principal Committees to support it in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities; these are the Audit & Risk Committee, Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability Committee, Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee and Science Committee. Each of these Committees has certain delegated responsibilities which are set out in their Terms of Reference.

The Chair of each principal Committee reports on the activities of the committee at the following Board meeting. Copies of all papers and the minutes of meetings of the principal Committees are available to all Directors.

View information on the Board’s Committees.


Executive Committees

In addition to the principal committees, Indivior has four executive committees: The Executive Committee, the Disclosure Committee, the Sustainability Committee and the Compliance Committee.  More detail about the executive committee can be found within this website section




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The Board

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Code Of Conduct

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